The Disruptors

Although more focused on the beggings of what would become Adult ADHD, the award-winning documentary, The Disruptors, is an amazing view into that time in our lives.

A mother tries unsuccessfully to coax her third-grade son out from under his bed so he can prepare for school. Later, she confesses, "I feel like I'm constantly on the brink of falling apart."

This poignant and relatable moment is familiar to parents raising children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Emmy-nominated executive producer Nancy Armstrong, who drew inspiration for the film from her experience raising children with ADHD, can attest to this.

The Disruptors chronicles the lives of five households affected by ADHD, laying bare the daily realities of raising children who are neurodivergent. Viewers will meet Emily, a mother who was deeply offended when a teacher suggested her son may have ADHD, and Briana, who recognized the symptoms of ADHD in her six-year-old son after receiving her diagnosis.

Misconceptions such as laziness, carelessness, and forgetfulness are unfairly attributed to individuals with ADHD when the opposite is often true. The Disruptors, a powerful new film dedicated to raising awareness about ADHD, highlights this fact. The film aims to recognize and celebrate the millions of children and adults in the US affected by ADHD - a staggering 7 million and 23 million, respectively. Don’t miss it.


Diagnosed with ADHD as an adult


Failing at Normal